New Timetable
Please note the MMA is now on a Wednesday

Wednesday night classes
Wednesday night classes Visit www.andynugent.com for full timetable

Tuesday night grappling
7.30 BJJ nogi, 8.30 BJJ

Monday night Kali
Great to see a couple of old faces back on the mat for the Kali class, we covered single stick 3 count box pattern with variations...

JKd seminar
JKD Tribe 6th and 7th November. Rick Young, Terry Barnett, Phil Norman, Bob Breen and others. Start warming up now!...

Heel Hook Seminar
Heel Hook seminar for beginners to advanced, Saturday 30th Oct 10 till 12 £20 in advance £25 on the day

junior classes
Parents we have a couple of spaces available for our junior program, please vivsit www.andynugent.com to register for a 1 week free trial

tuesday night classes
Tuesday night classes 7.30 BJJ no-gi 8.30 BJJ Visit www.andynugent.com for full timetable