Monday night Kali & Kickboxing
Another busy night with Kali followed by kickboxing
Thursday night BJJ
Great training tonight guys lots of tough rounds
FRiday night nogi
Reminding the Friday night NoGi starts 15mins earlier just for tonight
daniel strauss seminar
Taking names for the Daniel Strauss seminar
Tuesday night BJJ
Tonight we have NoGi at 7.30 followed by Gi BJJ at 8.30
BJJ, Kali, Jeet Kune DO, Kickboxing
Tonight we have all of the above from 7.30, che ck out our timetable
Monday night beginners BJJ
Tonight at 7.30 we have beginners BJJ with Tom Gent
Wednesdays kickboxing & MMA
Tonight we have at 7.30 beginners kickboxing followed by MMA at 8.30