junior martial arts
Every Mon, Wed and Thursday we have junior martial arts at 6.30
beginners kickboxing
Tonight we have junior BJJ followed by beginners kickboxing then MMA
Rick Faye Kali Jeet Kune Do seminar
Guro Rick Faye 🇬🇧 Seminar 2023 | Facebook Rick Faye seminar
Monday night Kali
Great to see a couple of old faces back on the mat for the Kali class, we covered single stick 3 count box pattern with variations...
Junior classes back to normal times
Reminding Parents we are back to normal class times for the juniors after the summer break 5-8 yrs 5.30pm 9-12 yrs 6.30pm
zoom classes
Only 2 more ZOOM sessions left before the adult classes Re Open on May 17th
BJJ early morning Jits class
Guys this Fri 23rd Feb we have the Early Bird Jits class 6.30am start time.
Jeet Kune Do / kali Seminar
Guys if you're going to the Rick Faye Jeet Kune Do seminar you need to get your deposit in asap