Junior Thursday class
Great work by the junior Thursday crew #juniors  #working  #hard  #havingfun
Thursday adult classes
BJJ Adult crew having fun, Thursday night BJJ #bjj  #bjjlifestyle  #gym  #makingmemories
Monday night classes
From 6.30 we have junior martial arts followed by adult BJJ, JKD/Kali then adult kickboxing
Monday night classes
Tonight we have juniors at 6.30 then adult bjj, kali, JKD and kickboxing
Thursday night classes
Juniors at 6.30 followed by bjj white belts at 7.30 along with Judo then 8.30 main class of BJJ
junior martial arts
We have a few places left for our junior martial arts program
Thursday night BJJ
Great rolling last night, covering Lasso guard sweeps,submissions, passing & retention. #bjj  #martialarts  #Junior  #bjjinstevenage
Thursday night Judo & BJJ
From 7.30 we have adult Judo & BJJ
Junior Martial arts
Junior Martial Arts now back on after the summer break. Every Mon, Wed & Thursday @ 6.30. Message us or visit www.andynugent.com  for...
Wednesday juniors
Tonight we have junior martial arts at 6.30 followed by adult kickboxing & MMA