foot lock seminar
Only 3 places left for the foot lock seminar

thursday night bjj & Judo
Thursday night Judo & BJJ Good effort everyone, an hour of Judo then 90mins BJJ with lots of sparring & lots of smiles.

JKd seminar
JKD Tribe 6th and 7th November. Rick Young, Terry Barnett, Phil Norman, Bob Breen and others. Start warming up now!...

Sunday night Jits
Sunday night Jits, good work everyone

Junior classes
Junior Martial Arts from 5.30 every Mon, Wed & Thursday 5-8yrs 5.30 Jeet Kune Do 9-12yrs 6.30 Jeet Kune Do Visit www.andynugent.com to...

sunday night sparring
Sunday night sparring 4 Blackbelts in Da House, Visit www.andynugent.com for full timetable

Thursday night Judo & Jits
Thursday nights Judo & Jits, spent most of the Judo drilling O-Uchi-Gari followed by escaping side control in the BJJ followed by 1 hour...

Junior classes back to normal times
Reminding Parents we are back to normal class times for the juniors after the summer break 5-8 yrs 5.30pm 9-12 yrs 6.30pm