Thursday Judo
Want to thank all the Academy students for the effort they've put in this week. With the heat & football thought the gym was going to be...

BJJ De La Riva Seminar
Guys the De La Riva seminar in October is filling up fast, payment secures your place, don't be disappointed if you miss out

Thursday Night training
Tonight @ Andy Nugent's Academy of martial Arts 5.30 5-7 yrs junior Jeet kune Do 6.20 8-12 yrs junior Jeet Kune Do 7.30 Adult Judo 8.30...

Sussex BJJ comp
Sussex Open No Gi Competition 23rd June in Brighton Only £25 early entry Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced divisions Advanced...

De La Riva BJJ Seminar
Guys, now taking names for the De La Riva seminar (north12 martial arts gym Finchley) on Sat 13th October 14.00 till 16.30. £50. No...

Judo comp
Tough day today at Wycombe judo open, managed to take a silver with 3 wins 3 loses & everyone two grades higher. Thanks to coaches Daniel...

Beginners kickboxing course
Andy Nugent's Academy of Martial Arts Stevenage is running a beginners kickboxing course for the month of June at a discounted rate of...

MMA & BJJ tonight
Tonight @ Andy Nugents Academy 7.30 MMA, 8.30 BJJ

BJJ instructor seminar
Great CFSBJJ instructor seminar today with David Onuma at CFS HQ

Judo for BJJ class
🎉IMPORTANT DATE!!🎉 THURS 19th APRIL *JUDO GRADING* 19:30-20:30 (All welcome A class/workshop dedicated to helping you learn the Judo...