Sunday night martial arts classes
Sunday night classes Visit www.andynugent for full timetable 6.45 Kick/Thai Boxing 8.00 BJJ Basics 8.45 BJJ Sparring

Early morning judo
Great early morning judo with Graeme Welsh

Thursday night Judo / BJJ
Visit www.andynugent.com for full timetable Thursday night is Judo night 5.30 Jeet Kune Do juniors 5-8yrs 6.20 Jeet Kune Do juniors...

BJJ Seminar
Guys 3/4 of the tickets have gone already for the Ross Nicholls seminar. Thursday 25th 7.30 till 9.30. Payment secures your place not...

Academy awards
Special day yesterday, myself & Julie had been invited to the UK Martial Arts Awards. Had a great day mixing & chatting with like minded...

BJJ Seminar
We are proud to announce we will be hosting Professor Ross Nicholls for a BJJ Master class. Thursday July 25th 7.30 till 9.30 £35 on...

New classes
NEW CLASSES Check out our new timetable Thursdays BJJ open Mat Sundays Kick/Thai Boxing

Junior martial arts
Monday Night is Jeet Kune Do night Visit www.andynugent.com to register for 1 week Free trial Mat 1 5.30 5-8yrs Juniors Jeet Kune Do ...

Thursday night BJJ Judo
Air Con on MAX tonight Visit www.andynugent.com for full timetable Thursday night 5.30 Jeet Kune Do juniors 5-8yrs 6.20 Jeet Kune Do...