Wednesday night kickboxing
Wednesday night classes. Visit www.andynugent.com to register for 1 week FREE trial 6.20 Jeet Kune Do juniors 8-12yrs 7.30 Kick / Thai...

BJJ classes
Visit www.andynugent.com to register for 1 week FREE trial

BJJ instructor seminar
Great day spent at CFS BJJ HQ

New BJJ class
New BJJ class starting soon Thursday night BJJ Open Mat, more details to follow

Stevenage junior martial arts
Junior martial arts Stevenage, to register a place visit www.andynugent.com

BJJ New York
Last of the New York photos, already planning for next year

Junior martial arts classes
Please share guys Please share if you know anyone that has juniors 5yrs and above that need to improve on their confidence, health &...

New Kickboxing class
NEW Sunday night adult kick / Thai Boxing class starting soon

BJJ open mat
BJJ open mat tonight @ 8pm

BJJ Stevenage
BJJ classes 6 days a week, check out www.andynugent.com for full timetable