JKD / Kali instructor seminar
Guys, for those that were asking about the MKG instructor workshop, here's the link https://www.facebook.com/events/2175566222562842/ ...

Wednesday Night Kickboxing & BJJ
Nice clean mats ready for tonight’s classes, junior Jeet Kune Do, Adult kick/Thai Boxing, Adult BJJ No-Gi , visit www.andynugent.com for...

Monday night Jeet Kune Do
Monday Night is Jeet Kune Do night Visit www.andynugent.com to register for 1 week Free trial Mat 1 5.30 5-8yrs Juniors Jeet Kune Do ...

open mat
open mat tonight @ 7pm

police officer training
Had a great day teaching theses guys some ‘officer safety training’ control & restraint done properly, great effort guys

Great early morning Judo session with Graeme Welsh & Dave Gooderham 90mins drilling Tai Otoshi

Register for 1 week free training
Tonight @ Andy Nugents Academy of Martial Arts 6.20 Jeet Kune Do (juniors) 7.30 Kick/Thai Boxing 8.30 BJJ No-Gi For full timetable...

BJJ Stevenage Herts
So having spent 4 weeks covering armbars from various positions we only have a few days left before we move onto a new subject

Stevenage Judo-BJJ
Couple of Ippons from Saturdays Judo comp

Junior martial arts classes
Wednesday night classes. Visit www.andynugent.com to register for 1 week FREE trial 6.20 Jeet Kune Do juniors 8-12yrs 7.30 Kick / Thai...