BJJ Seminar
Don't forget guys De La Riva seminar this Saturday. Remember you must have a white Gi. Talk about travel arrangements at the club

Jeet Kune Do seminar
Great 1st day of the Rick Faye MKG Jeet Kune Do / Kali seminar

Latest Timetable
Start of a new week people

Jeet Kune Do Seminar
Going to this on the Sunday guys if anyone wants a lift

Judo Seminar
Don't forget guys this Thursdays Judo seminar This Judo seminar is open to all from beginner to advanced and will cover many aspects of...

Filipino Kali & Jeet Kune Do
Jeet Kune Do / Kali tonight @ 7.30 followed by Kick/Thai boxing @ 8.30

BJJ Comp
Next Championships // Rostrum Jiu-Jitsu Hertfordshire Open Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Championships Saturday 08 September 2018 Hertfordshire...