Early morning BJJ
Don’t think this lot went home last night, 7.30am early morning Jits. For all you people that can’t sleep we now have Open Mat drilling...

BJJ Stevenage Herts
First session back after Christmas, everyone feeling fat, good work guys 40 mins drilling double/single leg takedowns

Stevenage Judo
Great Judo session last night ‘Judo for over 40’s’ 1 hour drilling Ko Uchi Gari,

Classes tonight
Tonight 6.20 9-13yrs Junior Jeet Kune Do 7.30 Adults Kick/Thai Boxing 8.30 Adults BJJ no-gi

BJJ Gi Seminar
BJJ Gi seminar with Ricardo De la Riva, only few places left for the this one guys

Sussex NoGi comp
Well done to Connor & Mikey competing today at Sussex nogi bjj, Mikey taking Gold & giving away 8kg

De La Riva BJJ Seminar
Guys, now taking names for the De La Riva seminar (north12 martial arts gym Finchley) on Sat 13th October 14.00 till 16.30. £50. No...

Daniel Strauss BJJ Seminar
Guys we have 6 places left for Sunday's No-Gi seminar with Daniel Strauss, if you have told me you are coming but haven't paid you will...