sunday night BJJ
BJJ stevenage, Sunday night sparring, great work people

friday no gi bjj
Tonight friday night no gi bjj from 7pm

Daniel Strauss bjj seminar
Fantastic seminar with Daniel Strauss, thanks everyone for supporting the event

Friday night No Gi BJJ
Tonight from 7pm nogi BJJ with Connor Soper

Tuesday night BJJ
Tonight we have NoGi at 7.30 followed by Gi BJJ at 8.30

BJJ, Kali, Jeet Kune DO, Kickboxing
Tonight we have all of the above from 7.30, che ck out our timetable

Monday night beginners BJJ
Tonight at 7.30 we have beginners BJJ with Tom Gent

monday night BJJ, Kickboxing Kali & JKD
Message us to book a place

sunday night bjj
Great work everyone bjj nogi, kickboxing & BJJ Gi all on the same night